Wednesday, February 24, 2010

3 weeks ago it was snowing really heavily here in chicago and my class got canceled. i heard that a group of co-workers/friends were going to this bar called rocks, to participate as a team in their trivia night. i went with them, had good food, a drink, and a ton of fun.

and we won! for winning, our group won $100 to spend the following week (at trivia night) on food/drinks.

since i have class on tuesdays right now i wasn't able to go back with them the following week, but they won again! i guess it was getting too pricey because rocks cut the winnings to $50.

nevertheless, they went back last night and won again!

i should mention that it is because of a funny chick-fil-a conversation in the cab there (i'll tell you that story another time) that our group ended up being named chick-fil-a. i think they've done some version of that name each week since.

anyway, there are always emails going around on tuesdays during work, reminding everyone what the bonus category is so they can bone up before they go that night. i came in to work today and found this email from one of the team members, and this is the whole point of this entry, and why i love the people i work with:

* * *

Hello all, It is with deep regret that I won’t be there tonight to witness your ascent to become a three-time defending Rocks champion.

Do me proud in my absence. I want people to complain to the management that “the game isn’t fun anymore” because of the fierce cerebral beating they take from those included on this list. I want people to throw their pencils in disgust and march out of Rocks in protest.

Allow me to share a few lines from the screenplay to the 1984 classic The Karate Kid to inspire you.

[just before Johnny fights Daniel in the tournament]

Kreese: Sweep the leg.

[Johnny stares at him in shock]

Kreese: Do you have a problem with that?

Johnny Lawrence:

No, Sensei.

Kreese: No mercy.

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