Thursday, November 27, 2008

greens and . . . spaghetti?

i just woke up from my first food coma of the day. i'm almost certain it wasn't pretty -- when i woke up my mouth was dry which means it was hanging open while i slept.

thought i'd share a funny text conversation with you.

context: mandy has moved from chicago back to kansas and loves collard greens, spinach, etc. ashley does not.

ashley: we have greens, do you? :) i'll send you my share.
mandy: now you're making me cry! i'm having a white thanksgiving! no greens. no mac n cheese. no cornbread. ha and no spaghetti.
ashley: that made me crack up! i read your text to vonder. i explained to her that my people don't consider spaghetti a "side".

we don't have spaghetti today at thanksgiving. but, chances are, when more people get here . . . we might.

do you have anything non-traditional on your holiday table?

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