Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Social Justice Sampler plus a side of Natural Living

I've been crazy busy the last couple of days, so here's a few old blog posts of mine that you likely haven't gone back far enough to read.

EDIT: I linked the wrong entry. To read the entry on welfare, click on the welfare tag at the bottom of this entry.


sally said...

okay, girlie...i just have to comment, since your posts are so thought provoking and no one commented on the Business of Being Born. When I first watched the clip, then started your post, I thought...Oh no...if you knew my story, you'd know that I'd be dead right now if I had followed that crazy way of thinking!! (actually I had a uterine rupture with my 4th child and was saved only because I was in the hospital...really crazy story that I will recap on my blog the beginning of March)...
BUT as I read on in your post, I was super impressed with your point of view. I do think very strongly that women need to be fully educated in all of the ways they can give birth, and not be judged by the choices they make. My own experience of course, makes me lean toward hospital-natural...there are those out there...but, what most impressed me is your dialogue. Hey, let's talk about this and see the different perspectives without judgement. This world is too self-righteous and judgemental...where's the LOVE, people???? :) ♥♥♥ (yep, I'm opinionated!!)

anyway, thanks for sharing that post!! Just the clip alone would have made me click the little X in the corner, but your perspective won me ovah!!!

Ashley said...

Yay! I know it's really hard to feel strongly about something and NOT judge people who think differently, but it's something I strive for. Definitely don't always achieve it . . . but you just gotta keep trying.

I bet we could share some serious birth stories. :)

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